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Biological Physics - Interdisciplinary Elite Study Program at the University of Bayreuth

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Why Biological Physics?


The importance of interdisciplinary solutions to our societies' problems is constantly increasing. A prominent example is the quest for clean, renewable sources of energy or personalized medical care. Addressing problems of such complexity almost always requires skills in different areas of science.

Solid Education

However at the same time, there is a great value in a solid education in one of the natural sciences by itself, as it is offered by the traditional MSc programs in Biology/Biochemistry or Physics.

Joint Learning

The Elite Study program Biological Physics offers an ideal combination of both of these aspects. It is a fully intergrated, interdisciplinary, internationally oriented study program in which students of Biology/Biochemistry and Physics study together. Yet its character of an additional program that runs in parallel to and independent of the regular MSc programs allows the students to obtain their regular MSc in Biology/Biochemistry or Physics.

In addition to their regular MSc degree, the students obtain the Biological Physics program's offical certificate. This serves as an additional qualification on the job market.

Webmaster: Univ.Prof.Dr. Stephan Kümmel

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