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Biological Physics - Interdisciplinary Elite Study Program at the University of Bayreuth

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Admission to the Interdisciplinary Study Program Biological Physics is following a two-step procedure. These are:

1. Submission of application documents until August 31, 2025

The following documents have to be submitted in written at the address indicated below:

  1. Declaration of motivation (approx. 500 words) in English. The declaration should explain why the applicant wants to join the program and must state which MSc program at which Bavarian university the applicant is (planning to be) enrolled in.
  2. BSc certificate or grade sheet or corresponding certificates of all study achievements to date. The submitted documents must state the average grade. Students who are already enrolled in an MSc program can also apply when they know that they plan to go for a PhD. Such students may submit the grades that they obtained in their MSc studies so far in addition to their BSc certificate and BSc grade sheet.

2. Successful completion of the initial module “Concepts of Physics” or “Concepts of Biology” at the end of the first semester

All students who submit complete documents within the deadline will be admitted to the first module “Concepts of Physics” (for students with a BCc in Biochemistry or Biologie) or “Concepts of Biology” (for students with a BSc in Physics). This module is offered during the winter term and ends with an oral exam. Students who pass this exam will be fully admitted to the Interdisciplinary Study Program Biological Physics.

The application documents for step 1 of the application procedure have to be submitted at the latest by August 31, 2025, either in paper form to the address

  UBT-Programm Biological Physics
  Universität Bayreuth
  c/o Theoretische Physik IV
  Universitätsstr. 30
  95447 Bayreuth

or as one complete PDF document, which must be received at the email address ubt.biophys@uni-bayreuth.de, no later than August 31, 2025.

Webmaster: Univ.Prof.Dr. Stephan Kümmel

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